Content Archives
This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.
Obama, like past leaders, a slow starter
Happy first anniversary, Barack Obama. Although happy is probably the wrong word...
Oatmeal Trail Mix Cookies
So, last week I gave you a “healthy” muffin recipe. I must say, I got a great response and decided I shall become the Muffin Man, I mean the Muffin Woman. I already have a muffin top, so I have a jump-start. Come on, that’s funny...
They still don’t love us
If you thought America would quickly regain the world’s love, admiration and — most important — willingness to follow the U.S. lead once Barack Obama came to power, the news is disappointing. A useful guide to what has transpired comes from Venezuela’s president and ...
Spiced Orange Chocolate Chip Cookie Loaf
Holy Snickerdoodles — 2010 is upon us! Time for all that lovely resolution-making. I resolved long ago to stop making them (not Snickerdoodles, resolutions). So far so good. Yay for me. It’s so nice to know that when the end of January rolls around and I’m still ...
A question of journalistic ethics
Over the past couple of weeks, some of you may have heard...
Create a tradition
As a child, my favorite part of the holidays was going to the Nutcracker Ballet performance at the Naples Philharmonic. I loved wearing my velour holiday dress, frilly ankle socks and patent leather mary janes. I would squirm in my seat until Tchaikovsky’s brief “...
Kids Holiday Greeting Card contest
This holiday season Boulder County elementary schools participated in Boulder Weekly’s Kids Holiday Greeting Card contest with kids submitting a festive drawing. Our Grand Prize Winner, Nederland Elementary first-grader Corbin Oxnard’s painting is featured on our ...
PlayFair Toys
PlayFair Toys opened in 1982 with the focus of providing nothing but non-violent toys that cater to both boys and girls. The store didn’t have a section for boys with a bunch of toy guns or a pink section with baby dolls targeting little girls — a boy or girl could ...