Arts & Culture

Something doesn’t add up

With a little bastardization, Einstein’s most famous equation, E=mc2, sums up the Denver Center for the Performing Arts Theatre Company’s latest, Smart People, with...

No truth

The paintings of William Stoehr are clearly faces. Some have two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Yet upon further inspection, one eye might...

Off Country

We end, I think, at what might be called the standard paradox of the twentieth century: our tools are better than we are, and...

Longmont Chalk Art and Street Fair

This September, Longmont hosted their inaugural Chalk Art Street Fair & Bin Market, a free two-day street-painting festival where more than 38 artists spent...

Broadening our vocabulary

Each person in Fazal Sheikh’s photography has a story of survival. The men, women and children have persevered through wars, refugee camps, abuse, social...

One story at a time

There is a difference between the Boulder County that we choose to see and the Boulder County that is. We choose to see the...

The zenith

The first sounds are reminiscent of metal on metal, steel against steel, like dragging a pipe across grating in short, regular intervals. An organ...

The benevolent creator

A Dasha Shishkin drawing is by no means straightforward. A picture can show multiple scenes, dozens of characters — some big, some small, some with...

Sweetly agitating, persistently upending

The first thing Joanna Rotkin learned in college was that she didn’t have a ballet body. For a young woman who had dedicated her...

The in-between

Here’s how it was supposed to go: In one of the tall, street-facing windows of the David B. Smith Gallery, a 6-foot-tall neon sign...

The familiar frontier

Post-Civil War America was a country in pieces. After years of fighting, the North and the South had to come together as one again....

Pussy Grabs Back

This is not a typical burlesque show,” says Jenna Noah, aka Madame Merci, co-founder of Conscious Burlesque and creator of Pussy Grabs Back. “This...