Tag: June 09 2016 issue


ARIES March 21-April 19: Mythologist Joseph Campbell analyzed fairy tales for clues about how the human psyche works. For example, he said that a fairy...

‘The Water Knife’ and Dale’s Pale Ale

With the sun blaring, it is the perfect afternoon for reading, but not for sitting in the sun. I’m 60 pages away from finishing...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Beer pong shutdown As you may have heard, the Boulder City Council is considering drafting an ordinance to enforce “the storage and use of ‘beer...

Still on the trail

It was rocky riding for mountain bikers in Boulder in the ’80s — in 1983, City Council voted 8-1 to prohibit “non-motorized” bikes on trails,...

Lies, damn lies and Massachusetts DAs

When marijuana legalization opponents think they might lose at the polls, they try to keep legalization initiatives off the ballot. Their tactics for doing this...

Letters: 6/9/16

Libertarian not Trump On most of the things that you hate about Republicans, the Libertarians get it right, and on most of the things you...

Boulder homeless issues

The beauty of Boulder, nestled in the Foothills and dominated by the Flatirons, is a metro area gem that attracts a great number of...

Underground open space

Inconvenient truth alert. It turns out that the Boulder County property owner with the most oil and gas wells on her land is none other...

Why Bill Clinton should just go away

What’s past, as Shakespeare told us, is prologue. So let’s flash back only two decades to that defining achievement of President Bill Clinton’s presidency: “...

The history of a sandwich

A quick word of introduction: This will be, as are most things in life, a work in progress. But the goal of this column...

A journey through memory

Walking into Sweet & Lucky is like walking into a life-sized living diorama — as if the glass at a museum is removed and...

It’s funny, the power of music

Jamie Crawford was in a church in Fort Collins the first time she heard the song “Here for You,” by The Good Time Travelers. “So...