
Winning musicianship

To be completely candid, we missed most of the Grammy Awards a couple of weeks ago, except for the segment where the ever camera-shy Madonna seemed to be commanding a legion of worshipping satyrs, a spectacle made only more surreal with the sound off at our local gym...

Joel Van Horne

Saturday, Jan. 11...

Songs for songwriters

In many cases, a covers record is a group’s attempt to show its musical influences and how its own songs came to sound the way they do...

Leaving on a high note

We lead angelic lives,%u2028 Yet have a merry time of it besides. We dance and we spring,%u2028 We skip and we sing.%u2028 Saint Peter in heaven looks on...

Trust fall into the audience

Music has always been an important part of Mary Lambert’s life. Her mom was a songwriter, and since she was 6 years old she can remember writing songs as a way to escape the harsh realities of abuse she was living through...

The Motet on Halloween: Knee-deep in inspiration

For some years now, The Motet has been leading kind of a schizophrenic life, serving up its regular, originals-heavy set on the festival circuit, while spending some portion of its off time working up cover-version tribute shows for mainly local gigs (Fort Collins, ...

Revisiting a classic

The Who’s rock opera Tommy is now more than 40 years old. But one won’t hear Who singer Roger Daltrey accepting the notion that this piece of music, or for that matter, Who music in general, is something that falls into the realm of nostalgia or oldies...

A live experiment

Plenty of musicians say the live show is where their music really comes alive and songs can take on a new life, evolving into something different — and often better — than the versions fans are accustomed to hearing on a record...

Rocky Mountain River Celebration

Friday, March 14: Rocky Mountain River Celebration. 6 p.m. Upslope Brewing Company (Flatiron Park), 1898 S. Flatiron Court, Ste. 110, Boulder, 303-449- 2911...

Classically ambitious

Very few pianists follow a full recital program with a 20-minute encore...

Dogs in space

When we caught up to him after a morning jog at his home in Hawaii, we expressed some interest that Evan Bartholomew (aka Bluetech) had chosen Laika, the Russian dog remembered as the first living being to be launched into earth orbit, as the title of the leadoff ...