The Highroad
The Highroad
The Highroad Big banks gouge customers for fun, profit...
The expletives of Wall Street
Wall Street is a bizarre place. It masquerades as a sober center of finance, but it operates as a wide-open bazaar of anythinggoes gambling games. Recently, the biggest casino player of them all, Goldman Sachs, made a bizarre effort to strike a sober public pose ...
Hiding worker injuries
According to the latest safety reports, workplace injuries are on the decline in our country. Great! Only ... it’s untrue. Why? Because many burns, cuts, poisonings and other on-the-job injuries are deliberately hidden from America’s Occupational Safety and ...
Kissing bankers’ butts
Oh them wild and naughty bankers! What in the world will those rapacious rapscallions of Wall Street do next? Just recently, we learned from Kenneth Feinberg, the government’s special investigator of banker pay, that top executives of 17 financial giants ...
Wall Street’s ‘Mom & Pop’ bankers
Don´t cry for Jamie Dimon, America. As CEO of JPMorgan Chase, this ruling mogul of Wall Street must now cope with the recently enacted financial reform bill, which imposes a host of new regulations meant to rein in the rip-offs, frauds and other excesses of Wall ...
Fighting the superbugs of agribusiness
Not so long ago, the “miracle cure” of antibiotics prompted doctors to prescribe them for illnesses as minor as colds and upset tummies. But, then, people began to die. In droves. Why? Overuse of antibiotics led to the rapid evolution of savvy bacteria resistant ...
Return of the Katrina trailers They’re baaaack. The Creepy Creatures from Hurricane Katrina are reappearing on the Gulf Coast, having been raised from the dead. These creatures are the infamous contaminated trailers that federal emergency officials bought and set up in...
Paying the price of the Afghanistan war good news is that the U.S. Senate and House are at last uniting in a truly bipartisan push to put billions of our tax dollars into the urgent national need for better schools, transportation and other essential services. Unfortunately...
Look out, BP’s doing it again! Ok, people, nature needs us to focus. All of us who love polar bears, whales, seabirds and other wildlife should put our minds together to send an urgent telepathic message to the animals in the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. Our message ...
Audio: Jim Hightower on Colorado’s shackling bill
Jim Hightower comments on Colorado's shackling bill.
Jim Hightower on Colorado Shackling Bill by boulderweekly