Danish Plan
Colorado should quit punishing pot users
There are at least two groups that intend to put marijuana legalization initiatives on the Colorado ballot in 2012, but neither has as of yet put forward an actual proposal. Here’s mine...
Eight reasons to arm Libya’s rebels
There seems to be a big debate going on in the Obama administration over whether we should arm and train the Libyan rebels...
Revolution comes to the Midwest
The protests that have been sweeping the Middle East for the past month spread to the Middle West last week...
A modest proposal to protect members of Congress
I have a modest proposal for increasing the security for U.S. Congressmen without isolating them from their constituents anymore than they already are...
Stopping massacres: What won’t work and what will
What can be done to keep whackos like Jared Loughner from trying to assassinate congressmen, senators and presidents...
Ratifying START was insane
The START strategic arms reduction treaty that the U.S. Senate recently approved should never have been negotiated, much less ratified...
A Nobel Prize for Assange? How about in chemistry?
Someone in the Russian government last week (speaking anonymously so he could speak frankly, ironically enough) suggested that Julian Assange, WikiLeaks’ alpha drip, deserved a Nobel Prize...
Is Sarah Palin smart enough to be president?
 Is Sarah Palin smart enough to be president...