Arts & Culture
The pleasure of a good conversation
For one week each spring, throngs of people overrun the University of Colorado’s picturesque campus seeking the pleasure of a good conversation at the...
In the name of ratings
In 1994, nearly 26 years ago, if anyone had told Pablo Escobar’s family — as they were desperately trying to flee Colombia after Pablo’s...
How a sunset feels
Try to describe a sunset without using colors; think about how it feels, how the air smells, perhaps about the sounds that arise at...
Blurring the lines
The Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival (LEAF) is a place for hackers. Not hackers like Gary McKinnon or Albert Gonzalez, but hackers like Brian Eno,...
The gray area
For thousands of years, humans have passed stories down to younger generations with the hope they’ll continue the practice. As a member of the...
An American secret
I don’t take notes as Arthur Secunda talks to me; I’m too focused on hearing him, and it strikes me that the scratching of...
The lasting mark of art
In any given art gallery, viewers know not to reach out and touch a piece of art, no matter how tempting it seems. But...
To see and be seen
It’s 10 a.m. on a recent Thursday and Jordan Casteel has been up since 5, but she’s fresh, bright-eyed, no signs of fatigue. The...
Conversation series focuses on experience of war
It was a holiday weekend tradition: James Speed Hensinger and his parents would meet close family friends for a lakeside vacation full of picnics,...
Becoming American
What does “becoming American” mean to you? Is it a process? A state of mind? An act of participation? When one becomes American, what’s...
The walls move outwards
When Lior Gross emailed Eyal Rivlin to ask about joining one of Rivlin’s Hebrew classes at the University of Colorado Boulder last spring, Rivlin...
Tips for thrifty living
Sparrow is a self-taught visual artist, pianist and chef — and has a master’s degree in creative writing. He lives in a doublewide trailer...