Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

Town of Lyons ballot issue results

The following is a list of the final unofficial 2009 results from the Town of Lyons ballot issues. Read our original story. Issue 2A Seeks to raise the sales and use tax from 3 percent to 3.75 percent Yes: 47.99 percent No: 52.01 percent

The racial wounds of 9/11

On Sept. 11, I was a 28-year-old attorney working for the Department of Justice. I remember being evacuated from my federal office building that morning, and later heading across the 14th Street Bridge to my home in Arlington, Va. I could hardly believe the sight ...

Safe is the new sexy

  Can I take you to dinner...

Kids raise funds for shelters after dog euthanized

Two Superior-area children, saddened by having to put their dog to sleep, have launched a fundraiser to help pets at animal shelters get adopted more quickly, so that fewer are euthanized...

U.S. needs to be on side of Egyptian people

I’m Egyptian, and like every other Egyptian person I know, I have been mesmerized and inspired by the images of the Egyptian people rising up...

Amendment 62 assaults our sex lives

Anthropology demonstrates that human beings have undergone extensive lifestyle transitions, from hunting and gathering to agriculture and farming to agri-business and Wall Street shenanigans. This social evolution has led to the emergence of law and religion. Law...

Saffron Spice and Supplements Help From Head to Toe

Dear Pharmacist,I crave saffron, and have loved this spice for many years but stopped buying it because it’s expensive. I know you are educated with herbs, can you tell me if there are any health benefits? --T.S. Ocala, FloridaAnswer: Great question, I love saffron ...

Give Thanks for Cinnamon and All It’s Health Benefits

Dear Pharmacist, I dread holiday meals. There’s so much great food, and it’s so hard to resist. Is there any good news in the midst of this orgy of over-indulgence? --A.F. Denver, ColoradoAnswer: Yes, the spices of the holiday season are good for you, but rule number...

Election Guide 2013: Yes on Rocky Mountain Fire Protection District Question...

Rocky Mountain Fire Protection District Ballot Question 5BTerm limits...

2011 Gift Guide II

´Tis the season for getting a little frantic. Your schedule is crammed, your to-do lists are long and your to-buy-for list is much longer than your list of what-to-buy ideas. We get it. So before you get all strung out on eggnog lattes and start swarming the mall ...

You work too hard

If you’re lucky enough to be born in a developed country, you’re looking at an average life expectancy of roughly 75 years. What are you going to do with those years...