Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

Sip on some seasonal brews

Colorado has been called the Napa Valley of beer, and with good reason: Beers from our fair state frequently top the podium at national and international competitions, and a new brewery or pub seems to open with each passing month. The holidays offer breweries a ...

Hot Stuff Can Heal You

Dear Pharmacist,You’ve mentioned that cayenne pepper is very healing for the stomach and can prevent ulcers.  How can that be?  I thought chili pepper would burn a hole in your gut faster than you could say, “hot chili pepper.”  Not so?Answer:  Not so. While ...


The headline read, “Jobs that died in 2011.” There at the bottom of the list, beneath stock brokers, toll collectors, video store clerks, real estate agents and U.S. postal carriers, was “newspaper reporters...