Tag: mar 29 2018 issue

Why no one cares about privacy anymore — in three...

The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook mess reminded me of a piece written eight years ago by Declan McCullagh, a journo who at the time was writing...

Students demand action

On March 21, CU-Boulder Students Demand Action (CU-SDA) held our first public meeting, hosting  85 members of the CU-Boulder and greater BVSD community in...

Thieves in the suites

Workplace exploitation is at least as old as the industrial revolution. But rather than using whips to make the assembly lines move ever-faster, today’s...

Boulder band Envy Alo introduces boogaloo fusion and new vocals

It’s been two years since the Boulder-based band Envy Alo dropped their first album, One Time, but the soulful rock/funk band hasn’t stopped working,...

Notes From the Hanged Woman

Face it, we’re wind From womb to the blue prom. Remember me licking Cream off your belly? I swing soft breasts Over the bones of the forgotten. Creation and death Harbor...

Do you drive high?

What has been the impact of legal cannabis on traffic safety? Is it common knowledge that driving while stoned is illegal? And do marijuana...

CBD may help addicts, alcoholics stay on the wagon

Good news. If you’re trying to kick an opioid, cocaine and/or alcohol addiction, a new study has found that the cannabidiol (aka CBD) in...

Paula Oransky never dreamed she could be fired for protesting against...

It was without question the best job Paula Oransky had ever had. The Colorado School of Mines graduate was making six figures, had a...

Global warming 1-2-3

Scientists first started writing about global warming in the 1850s. More than a century ago, others explored the possibility of human-caused climate change. And...

Try this week: Bacon bleu burger, grain-free ravioli and more

Bacon Bleu Burger The Greenbriar Inn, 8735 N. Foothills Highway, Boulder, greenbriarinn.com A fireplace at the end of the room, a black-and-white movie on mute, cozy booths,...


Cambridge Analytica (CA) is a political consulting firm that has been making a lot of headlines of late. The company is accused of illegally...

Colorado Craft Beer Week returns

Starting with Collaboration Fest, the sixth annual Colorado Craft Beer Week (March 31-April 7) takes over taprooms and breweries across the Centennial State with...