Sherry Sommer — 2023 Louisville City Council Candidate Questionnaire


Yes/No Questions:

1. Are you a homeowner?  Yes

2. If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? No

3. Do you believe there’s a need for more housing in Louisville? Yes

4. Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? No

General Questions (no more than 300 words):

1. Why do you want to be a council member?  

My  background and qualifications  make me the best candidate for this job. I grew up in poverty and my father was an immigrant, so I’ve learned to be resourceful, to work hard, and to relate to people from all backgrounds. As a highly engaged grassroots leader  I’ve learned to listen, lead, and represent residents.  

2. When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that? 

2004, Thistle Community Housing Boulder.

3. Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges? 

We have a plan for fire mitigation in open space and must have funding to make it a reality.  Residents, please vote yes on 2A and  renew our open space and parks tax. 

4. How do you think you stand out from other candidates? 

I am an excellent listener. I’m passionate about and highly skilled at bringing people together. 

5. What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot? 

Are you a good listener? 

6. What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness?   

Issues need to be addressed early on, before the problem becomes unsolvable. We have an excellent police chief and I need to talk with him about strategies. 

7. What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Louisville?  

We need affordable housing, not  just more housing.  I would prioritize housing for people who already live and work here.  ADU’s should be used to help people stay in their homes. Affordable housing must  fits the scale and mass of our town and we need to consider the impact of new housing on our fiscal health,  municipal facilities, and water rights. 

8. How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet Louisville’s climate goal of zero carbon by 2030? 

By implementing municipal  decarbonization and by setting achievable  goals for business and residential decarbonization with the option to meet higher standards.  

9. What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them?  

We have a transportation master that is being implemented. We need to continue making the city pedestrian and bike friendly with road diets and traffic calming.

10. How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents? 

Through Spanish translation for important community updates and translators for city meetings. 

11. How does diversity factor into your policy making?  

I value and naturally gravitate toward diverse communities. I have a degree in ESL and have taught all levels from preschool through the elderly.

12. How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you?

I’m highly skilled at relating to people from all types of backgrounds because of my lived experience.  My father was an Iranian immigrant and I grew up in poverty. I have lived in affordable housing,  I have three college degrees and am a successful business owner.

13. Rank your top 5 issues in priorities.

  1. Maintain small town character
  2. economic vitality
  3. affordable housing
  4. fire recovery and mitigation
  5. open space and sustainability 

Other Louisville Candidates:

City of Louisville Mayor (4-year term) (Vote for One)

Sherry Sommer

Chris Leh

Josh Cooperman

City of Louisville City Council Ward 1 (4-year term)

Caleb Dickenson

City of Louisville City Council Ward 2 (4-year term) (Vote for One)

Deborah Fahey

George Colbert

City of Louisville City Council Ward 3 (Vote for not more than Two)

The candidate with the highest number of votes will serve a four-year term. The candidate with the second highest number of votes will serve a two-year term.

Dietrich Hoefner

Barbara Hamlington