Tag: may 26 2016 issue

Astrology: 5/26/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: To convey the best strategy for you to employ in the coming weeks, I have drawn inspiration from a set of...

A time of fear

There’s been an escalation in violence against Muslims in the United States that coincides with the 2016 presidential election season, according to a new...

Gold beneath the waters

When the Spanish came to the Cajamarca region of Peru looking for gold, they found the vast Incan empire instead. By 1532, Francisco Pizzaro...

Goldilocks and the just-right glass of iced ‘cold’ not ‘old’ coffee

Once upon a time last week hot coffee was my lifeblood, my winter raison d’etre. All it takes is one morning where it’s 70...

Untapped potential: Boulder’s Food Waste Audit

Food retailers in Boulder, like most eateries in most cities around America, are in desperate need of education on the subject of food donation. A...

The Commish blows smoke on pot

New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton went on a NYC talk radio show last weekend and unburdened himself of some truly daft “thoughts”...

Poor water grade

A report released by Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) found that with outdated records and a lack of monitoring stations, Colorado, as well...

Letters: 5/26/16

Correction: Regarding last week’s food news , we would like to clarify that Civic Center EATS attracts 2,000-3,000 people per day, not 1,000 people...

I slept under a mosquito net for one week; Here’s why

In the five years I have lived in Boulder, Colorado, I have seen bugs, ants and roaches, but not a single mosquito. I know...

The Donald better start feeling the Bern

Here’s a curious little detail about this year’s presidential race that’s been hiding in plain sight in the polls since January and ignored by...

How much does it cost to buy a public university’s integrity?

First came withering hoots of laughter when the honchos of George Mason University named their law school the “Antonin Scalia School Of Law.” Yes,...

The pied piper of pulses

Ron Pickarski remembers the first time he made tempeh. It was 1976, and packaged meat substitutes were not only absent from grocery stores, they...