Food manipulators trying to deceive voters
An old adage says, “Never buy a pig in a poke.” But what about a poke hidden in a pig...
Letters | Oil wells vs. subdivisions
Correction: A June 21 story, “Heating up alternative energy,” should have said that to qualify for the new Elevations Credit Union loan program, buildings must have achieved a 15 percent energy “saving,” not “rating.” In addition, any customer can participate in the ...
A gamer’s wild pitch
In sports, a “gamer” is someone who’s always eager to play. However, in such pursuits as business and politics, a “gamer” is one who games the system...
Oil wells vs. subdivisions
At a recent debate on fracking, Peter Champe of the Longmont anti-fracking group Our Future, Our Health, Our Longmont, summed up his group’s brief. Fracking is a major industrial activity, he said, and major industrial activities aren’t allowed in residential ...
Letters | Prairie dogs are pests
Correction: The June 21 story “The wisdom of Wilco” should have said that the group’s first album, A.M., was an L.P., not an E.P...
Is City Council above the law?
At a City Council meeting a couple weeks back, Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum spent a fair amount of time suggesting that Boulder’s elected leaders need to do a better job of filling out their legally required disclosure forms, which were, of course, designed to shine ...
Listen to the weeds
Rather than finding ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants reach for the next quick fix in a futile effort to overpower nature. Their attitude is that if brute force isn’t working, they’re probably not using enough of it...
The heart of the city — what’s to be done?
According to a story in the Sunday edition of Brand X paper, Boulder planners are looking for ideas about how to further develop Boulder’s “civic heart” — by which they mean the area bounded by Ninth and 17th Streets on the west and east, and Arapahoe and Canyon on...
Letters | Missing link
Missing link (Re: “Watching (local) sausage being made,” Cuisine, May 31.) [Michael] Callahan’s article about Don’s and Boulder Sausage had a huge hole in it...