Danish Plan

A modest proposal for ending the budget impasse

In his weekly radio address this past Saturday, President Obama called on Republicans and Democrats to make “political sacrifices” to break the budget impasse and prevent the collapse of civilization as we know it...

The marketplace of ideas

Whatever else it did, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission — that’s the campaign finance case — has prompted a lot of Boulder lefties to take pen in hand and hyperventilate that the American republic, and possibly ...

Obama’s silly speech

The most charitable thing that can be said about Barack Obama’s graduation address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy is that it was silly...

Funding social security without raising taxes

This year’s budget battles have at least produced two points of clarity...

Why Romney lost — and how to win next time

Republicans have started a conversation on why they lost the election and on what they have to do to win the next one...

A modest proposal to protect members of Congress

I have a modest proposal for increasing the security for U.S. Congressmen without isolating them from their constituents anymore than they already are...

CU’s misguided 4/20 approach

CU has an interesting new strategy for dealing with the campus’s annual 4/20 rally and pot inhalation this year...

A gentleman’s C for the pot task force

I’ve been reading the recommendations of the Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force. They mostly remind me of Mark Twain’s description of Wagner’s music: “It’s better than it sounds.” But just barely...

The heart of the city — what’s to be done?

According to a story in the Sunday edition of Brand X paper, Boulder planners are looking for ideas about how to further develop Boulder’s “civic heart” — by which they mean the area bounded by Ninth and 17th Streets on the west and east, and Arapahoe and Canyon on...

Cage match! Canada/New York edition

Cage match! Trump and Cruz are down in the mud and the blood and the beer, punching and kicking and clawing and generally trying to...

Obama’s happy dance with Iran

Obama is riding hell-bent for leather toward a nuclear deal with Iran which — if the leaked outlines of it are remotely accurate — will turn the United States into the principal enabler and legitimizer of Iran’s nuclear ambitions...