Astrology 4/19/18



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One in eight adults consume cannabis

A new Gallup poll released earlier this week finds that self-reported cannabis consumption nearly doubled in the last two years. Thirty-three million people, or 13...

Astrology: 9/21/17

ARIES March 21-April 19: Psychologists say most people need a scapegoat — a personification of wickedness and ignorance onto which they can project the unacknowledged...

Evolve or die

Wow! I haven’t been this exhilarated by anything involving pot since the night in 1989 when Leland (a former editor and pot writer at...

‘Godfather of pot science’ keeps Israel at the forefront of marijuana...

Today, despite nation-wide legalization in Uruguay and Canada, Israel is the world leader in marijuana research.  Here’s why:  Israel has a cannabis research industry that’s been...

Q’s & A’s from Savage Love Live in Boston

A large crowd braved a snowstorm to come out to Savage Love Live at Boston’s Wilbur Theatre last week. Questions were submitted on index...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

When he runs out of conspiracy theories, Trump just makes up more For an old man with small hands and orange hair, Donald Trump sure...

Astrology 7/14/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: Upcoming adventures might make you more manly if you are a woman. If you are a man, the coming escapades could...

Coats decision leaves it up to the legislature

The Colorado Supreme Court Monday dealt the final legal blow to a Colorado man’s plea to keep his job after failing a random drug test administered by his employer in 2010...


Dear Dan: I love that you use the term “cocksucker” only in a non-pejorative way. I don’t know if you’ve said so explicitly, but I imagine your aim is to remove its negative connotation. As the owner of a cock, I think cocksucking is WONDERFUL! Therefore, cocksuckers...

SAVAGE Love | Week of March 20

Dear Dan: I am a het husband. Before we married, I let my wife know that I loved spanking women and I was not a faithful man. Fast-forward 20 years: She does not like to be spanked and does not want me cheating, despite my earlier proclamation. So I watch spanking ...

in case you missed it | Show me your papers

in case you missed it Show me your papers...

Astrology 4/20/17

ARIES March 21-April 19: After George Washington was elected as the first President of the United States, he had to move from his home in Virginia...