BW BIFF Picks 2013: ‘Seeking Asian Female’
Despite opening with interviews of white men looking for Asian women, Seeking Asian Female is about one white man, one Asian woman and one documentarian...
BW BIFF Picks 2013: ‘Trash Dance’
Texas choreographer Allison Orr does things the hard way. And as viewers of filmmaker Andrew Garrison’s Trash Dance will come to appreciate, the whole world is a better place because of her seeming lack of common sense...
Only kinda good, fellas
Nothing brings back memories of Sean Penn’s history as a serial domestic abuser like watching him revel in a man being drawn-and-quartered by automobiles. What a weird choice to take a cheesy, scene-chewing, 1940s mob-boss role at this point in his career. Cross-...
Holy Frenchman, Batman
There’s a moment in Holy Motors when Monsieur Merde, a dirty leprechaun-looking man in a tattered green suit with scraggly red hair, approaches the fringes of a high-fashion photo shoot. The photographer is grunting, “Beauty, beauty!” with perverse glee at his model...
Diabetes: the real monster
Hansel (Jeremy Renner) has diabetes. This is not a throwaway character trait, not a bit of bizarre nuance in a quasi-steampunk re-imagining of a Grimm fairy tale. The fact that Hansel must stop combating the forces of darkness whenever his wrist-alarm-thingie goes ...
Wonder Woman versus chauvinism
In many ways, the comic book character Wonder Woman is very much a product of the time in which she was conceived — World War II America...
Check out some hot briefs
Outside of the unspeakable fame and groupies, the best part of being a movie critic is getting a peek at stuff you may otherwise never see. One of my favorite annual traditions is checking out what the Academy felt were little films worthy of a little guy made of ...
Peter Fonda to make appearance at BIFF
Peter Fonda, social media guru Andy Carvin and software expert Blaise Agüera y Aracas are key guests at the 9th Annual Boulder International Film Festival, which kicks off its film series on Feb. 14. The festival will feature numerous acclaimed feature-length films, ...
So long, celluloid
Don’t get him wrong. Pablo Kjolseth loves the aesthetic qualities of celluloid. But as the director of the International Film Series (IFS), he is keenly aware that the future of moving pictures is digital. 2013 will mark a key moment in the history of cinema; it is ...