
Know your Brew: Russian Imperial Stout

It’s another February afternoon in Boulder. The crisp winter air nips at your lips while the sun slips behind the snow-dotted Flatirons. Not exactly...

Profiles in Brew: Gordon Knight

If you’re a dedicated craft beer drinker, you’ll probably recognize the names of Adam Avery, Sam Calagione, maybe even Ken Grossman. But what about the names:...

Brew news

Over on Boulder’s north side, the taproom nestled between auto repair shops has a new tenant, one for fans of Bruce Sanderson and 20-sided...

Ship off to a rum-drinker’s paradise

Swaylo’s Tiki is, first and foremost, an experience, an homage to a different era and a temple to all things tiki. It will take...

A Square Peg for a Spare Keg

It’s pretty common these days for Colorado breweries to tout Colorado grains and malts in their offerings. Even Coors built its back on Colorado-grown...

Rich in whiskey

"I tell people that we’re rich in whiskey, but poor in cash,” jokes Boulder Spirits (5311 Western Ave., #180, Boulder) owner and founder Alastair...

Profiles in brew: Eric Blythe of Collision Brewing Company

If you’re looking for Longmont’s newest brewery, you won’t find it operating out of a small garage in an industrial part of town or along...

From jam to whiskey 

Among the things that drew Chad Staehly to Colorado in the early ’90s was good beer. Then a student at Colorado State University in...

Boulder Beer relaunches with new look and talk of a new...

Boulder Beer has some staying power. Despite management of Colorado’s first independent craft brewery switching hands last year, and despite the closure of its...

Know your brew: Doppelbock

When it comes to talking about what to drink with what you eat, most will rely on grapes and vintages over grains and styles....

New in brew: Fritz Family Brewers

Five years ago, Niwot was home to two breweries. Bootstrap Brewing was first to market, with Powder Keg not far behind. But as of...

A hobby run amok

Adam Avery was at a boss’s Super Bowl Party in 1991 when he had his “a-ha” moment. He had just been accepted to law...