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Funding cut hurts county breast-cancer programs

Boulder County has been hit hard by a decrease in funding from Susan G. Komen For the Cure. Poor women, those without health insurance and undocumented immigrant women are among those who will likely feel the greatest impact of this decrease. And it is up to us to ...

Terrorist or freedom fighter?

Newt Gingrinch has accused him of “information terrorism” and said he should be treated like an enemy combatant. Radio personality and columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner has said the United States should treat him as they would any other high-profile terrorist target. And ...

Industry doesn’t give a frack

As Colorado struggles with the increasingly pressing issue of fracking — short for hydraulic fracturing — news comes from Wyoming that fracking has been linked to groundwater pollution for the first time...

End parental impunity

You’re sitting in a coffee shop. You notice that the adult sitting next to you is logged on to one of those torrent sites and is illegally downloading music, movies, books and games. Knowing that this person is breaking the law — and determined to teach him right ...

Is the war really over?

The war in Iraq began on March 20, 2003, among protests that spanned the globe...

Baloney on veggies

Back in 1981, the Reagan administration set about creating a budget for fiscal year 1982 that would include $27 billion in cuts to so-called entitlements. The school lunch program, which provides meals to kids from low-income families, was cut by $1 billion...

Defending divorce

It’s almost time for the legislative session to begin in Colorado, which means it’s time for those “small government” Republicans to search for new and more intrusive ways to meddle in your life...


The headline read, “Jobs that died in 2011.” There at the bottom of the list, beneath stock brokers, toll collectors, video store clerks, real estate agents and U.S. postal carriers, was “newspaper reporters...

Get your goat

Now that urban chickens have come to roost across most of Boulder County, it’s time to look at changing city ordinances with regard to goats. Yes, goats...

Hospital fails rape test

Some Colorado hospitals may not be up to the task of treating rape victims. That’s one possible conclusion after the recent release of the arrest affidavit in the rape case against Denver Bronco cornerback Perrish Cox...

It’s about doggone time!

Boulder County Parks and Open Space has decided to enforce dog rules up at Walker Ranch, issuing a “directed patrol” for the Meyers Homestead Trail. This means rangers will be patrolling the trail at all times of the day and will be issuing tickets on sight to people...

New Age outrage

It’s a terrible lesson the New Age community has been dealt. Whether that lesson has been learned remains to be seen...