
Pantywaist politicians

The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled that elected officials can vote by secret ballot on controversial issues, even during public meetings. Specifically, the court upheld the dismissal by a lower court of a lawsuit against the City of Fort Morgan, claiming that ...

Shooters should clean up their act

A shredded television. Shattered glass bottles. Empty ammo boxes. Endless shotgun shells. Brass bullet casings sprinkled across the forest floor. Orange bits of clay pigeons...

Giving birth in chains

  I first learned about the shackling of inmates in labor back in 1999 after Amnesty International did its study of the issue and made its findings public. What I read in that report, titled “Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in ...

End parental impunity

You’re sitting in a coffee shop. You notice that the adult sitting next to you is logged on to one of those torrent sites and is illegally downloading music, movies, books and games. Knowing that this person is breaking the law — and determined to teach him right ...

There’s no easy fix for homelessness

Back in 1929, Boulder’s respectable folks called it “The Jungle.” Historical photographs from Boulder’s Carnegie Library show men and women standing in the mud among the shanties, shacks and tents they called home. Back in the day, local newspapers referred to these ...

Defending divorce

It’s almost time for the legislative session to begin in Colorado, which means it’s time for those “small government” Republicans to search for new and more intrusive ways to meddle in your life...

Foreskin follies

Last year, when I wrote a column supporting an end to routine circumcision of male newborns, I got a letter from a reader who blasted me for being hypocritical. How can you support freedom of choice for women, the reader asked, and not support freedom of choice for ...

City Council helps gardens grow

Human hands. Earth. Seeds. Water. Sunlight...

Banning the dirty frackers

If a group of Longmont citizens has its way, Longmont will become the first city in Colorado to ban hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking,” within the city limits...

Science and contraception

If we want to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, we would do well to pay attention to the results of two recent studies on contraception. Both show that long-term methods of birth control, in particular the intrauterine device, are far ...

White guilt

Irecently received a fan letter from a reader who pleaded with me to write a novel featuring a multiracial couple. The woman who wrote the letter argued strongly that I shouldn’t let my own prejudices get in the way of crafting a love story about two people of ...

Let nipples roam free

Boulder City Council members Macon Cowles and Lisa Morzel...