
Let nipples roam free

Boulder City Council members Macon Cowles and Lisa Morzel...

Foreskin follies

Last year, when I wrote a column supporting an end to routine circumcision of male newborns, I got a letter from a reader who blasted me for being hypocritical. How can you support freedom of choice for women, the reader asked, and not support freedom of choice for ...

To cut or not to cut?

When Russell Crowe apologized for tweeting that “circumcision is barbaric and stupid,” a lot of us were left wondering not only why his opinion on this issue constituted news, but also why he felt the need to apologize. Certainly, he expressed himself without tact, ...

Sluts like us

If women don’t want to be raped, they shouldn’t dress like sluts. That’s what one Toronto constable had to say to a group of college students during a safety orientation in January...

Giving birth in chains

  I first learned about the shackling of inmates in labor back in 1999 after Amnesty International did its study of the issue and made its findings public. What I read in that report, titled “Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in ...

Defending divorce

It’s almost time for the legislative session to begin in Colorado, which means it’s time for those “small government” Republicans to search for new and more intrusive ways to meddle in your life...

Saint Melinda

Melinda Gates is my new hero. In fact, I think she should be canonized as the Patron Saint of Voiceless and Vulnerable Women...

The fight to label frankenfoods

Americans may be bitterly divided on a range of hot button issues, but there’s one on which the vast majority of Americans agree — labeling genetically engineered (GE) foods...

Pantywaist politicians

The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled that elected officials can vote by secret ballot on controversial issues, even during public meetings. Specifically, the court upheld the dismissal by a lower court of a lawsuit against the City of Fort Morgan, claiming that ...

Birth belongs to women, not doctors

"Mom defies doctor, has baby her way,” the CNN headline read...

It’s time to talk about rape

In October, it will have been 20 years since I wrote my first Uncensored column. The subject of that column was sexual assault, a topic that I’ve covered again and again. The column was written in response to a series of ignorant letters to the editor written about ...

Tyler Clementi died for your sins

Dharun Ravi got to college to find out his roommate, Tyler Clementi, 18, was gay and quickly shared that fact with the Twitterverse. Clearly, he felt that Clementi’s sexuality was a significant enough issue to merit posting online. And he didn’t stop there...