Room to breathe
It’s time for Coloradans to take a hard look at hydraulic fracturing — fracking — and a critical view of those state lawmakers who are more interested in sucking up to the gas and oil lobby than protecting their constituents...
Santorum gives us reason to fear the fringe
During my adult years, I’ve watched the issue of reproductive rights descend from a debate about abortion to a debate about contraception, including condoms...
Closing down freedom
Beware government bureaucrats who want to make rules to protect your safety. Far too often their goal is something far more insidious...
We can do better
It`s easy to look at Jeremiah Sosa’s short life and conclude that he never had a chance. After all, he was born to two parents who are in prison. His mother, Georgina Alaniz, 25, gave birth while serving a sentence for robbery, forgery and escape. After holding ...
Howard Zinn, the people’s historian
On Jan. 27, America lost Howard Zinn. A World War II bombardier, a historian, an author and professor, Zinn challenged the way Americans look at their nation and themselves with the publication of his 1980 book A People’s History of the United States. Though right-...
Tim Leifield raised awareness about HIV/AIDS in Boulder County
I met Tim Leifield in the late summer of 2006 at a table in front of CaffeSolé. In the midst of doing interviews for what became a five-part seriesabout the history of HIV/AIDS in Boulder County, I wanted to get hisperspective as the first director of Boulder County ...
Rethinking pink
The furor over the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood for cancer screenings (and then reversal) revealed the questionable nature of the foundation’s policies and the strength of a quiet majority that refuses to allow extremists ...
Terrorist or freedom fighter?
Newt Gingrinch has accused him of “information terrorism” and said he should be treated like an enemy combatant. Radio personality and columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner has said the United States should treat him as they would any other high-profile terrorist target. And ...
Deadly drunk driving
Heather Surovik, 27, started out the morning of July 5 heavily pregnant and surely wondering when she would go into labor. That afternoon, she got into her car with her mother and 5-year-old son — and her life was changed irrevocably...
Advice for a thirsty world
What if all you had to do to change the world for the better was drink a glass of water? A glass of water...
Baloney on veggies
Back in 1981, the Reagan administration set about creating a budget for fiscal year 1982 that would include $27 billion in cuts to so-called entitlements. The school lunch program, which provides meals to kids from low-income families, was cut by $1 billion...