
A tale of two sexes

It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. For women, that is...

Room to breathe

It’s time for Coloradans to take a hard look at hydraulic fracturing — fracking — and a critical view of those state lawmakers who are more interested in sucking up to the gas and oil lobby than protecting their constituents...

Rethinking pink

The furor over the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood for cancer screenings (and then reversal) revealed the questionable nature of the foundation’s policies and the strength of a quiet majority that refuses to allow extremists ...

A burning issue

 It’s been almost a month since fire consumed about 85 acres up Boulder Canyon. Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle says the exact cause is still unknown...

Let nipples roam free

Boulder City Council members Macon Cowles and Lisa Morzel...

It’s about doggone time!

Boulder County Parks and Open Space has decided to enforce dog rules up at Walker Ranch, issuing a “directed patrol” for the Meyers Homestead Trail. This means rangers will be patrolling the trail at all times of the day and will be issuing tickets on sight to people...

End parental impunity

You’re sitting in a coffee shop. You notice that the adult sitting next to you is logged on to one of those torrent sites and is illegally downloading music, movies, books and games. Knowing that this person is breaking the law — and determined to teach him right ...

What’s old is new

If you haven’t watched the BBC series The Edwardian Farm, I highly recommend it. A series that ended this past January, the program features historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn, who attempt to show what daily life was like during...

Santorum gives us reason to fear the fringe

During my adult years, I’ve watched the issue of reproductive rights descend from a debate about abortion to a debate about contraception, including condoms...

Mental health care, not gun laws

In the aftermath of the Aurora theater massacre, we’ve seen an understandable, if misguided, call for tighter gun control, including a renewed ban on “assault weapons...

Defending divorce

It’s almost time for the legislative session to begin in Colorado, which means it’s time for those “small government” Republicans to search for new and more intrusive ways to meddle in your life...

Larceny in the heart

It’s time you worked for free. Why...