Content Archives
This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.
Hemp is Not Pot, It’s a Superfood!
Dear Pharmacist,You posted a recipe on facebook recently, and it contains “hemp seeds.” Isn’t that related to pot, and isn’t it illegal? I’ve never heard of this, and my grocery store says they cannot carry it. --G.K. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida...
Vanilla Bean Pound Cake Cupcakes
In honor of bikini season being a little too close for comfort — for this Dessert Diva anyway — I thought I would whip up something light. Vanilla Bean Pound Cake Cupcakes are the treat this time around...
Election Guide 2013: Stolzmann for Louisville City Council Ward III
City of Louisville City Council Person Ward III...
Advice for a thirsty world
What if all you had to do to change the world for the better was drink a glass of water? A glass of water...
Crystal Gallegos — 2023 Lafayette City Council Candidate Questionnaire
Yes/No Questions:
1. Are you a homeowner? No
2. If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? Yes
3. Do...
Wash Your Mouth Out- It Prevents Heart Disease
Dear Pharmacist,Heart disease runs in my family so naturally, I’m worried. A friend told me that brushing your teeth can prevent heart disease. I was polite, but I don’t believe him. Can this be true? --K.M., Sanibel, FloridaAnswer: You’re friend is right so how ...
Super Charge your Electrical System with Coconuts
Dear Pharmacist,My son is a lineman who climbs a lot in heat of the desert here in California. He sweats so much with all the equipment he wears that it makes him cramp. He drinks plenty of water and Gatorade. Besides foods high in potassium, can he take a supplement...
Eco-friendly toys
Your children may have smaller feet than you, but their carbon footprints are just as big as yours. Buy your child ecofriendly toys this year. Pass up the toys with the excess packaging, toxins and BPD and opt for a toy made from reclaimed materials. Shop locally for...
Vote 2011: Coombs is our choice for Longmont mayor
The race for Longmont mayor is already proving lively, as the two candidates have been taking jabs at each other over a variety of issues...
2023 Boulder Valley School District Board of Education Candidate Questionnaires
We sent questionnaires to each of the candidates running for BVSD Board of Education in 2023. Navigate the links to below to see each...
Spencer Adams — 2023 Longmont City Council Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate: Spencer Adams
Office: Longmont City Council, Ward 3
Yes/No Questions - Please answer only with yes/no.
Are you a homeowner? No
Do you...