Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

Give memories, not things: active gifts

With winter comes a host of new things to do outdoors, which often lead to the best presents of all: lasting memories...

Toasted Walnut Carrot Bread

 Now that my foray into fall is in full force, autumn desserts activate...

President: Barack Obama and Joe Biden (D)

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS (Vote for One Pair) Virgil H. Goode Jr. / Jim Clymer American Constitution Barack Obama / Joe Biden Democratic Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan Republican Gary Johnson / James P. Gray Libertarian Jill Stein / Cheri Honkala Green Stewart Alexander / Alex ...

Spiced Orange Chocolate Chip Cookie Loaf

Holy Snickerdoodles — 2010 is upon us! Time for all that lovely resolution-making. I resolved long ago to stop making them (not Snickerdoodles, resolutions). So far so good. Yay for me. It’s so nice to know that when the end of January rolls around and I’m still ...

Despondence, anger at Colorado GOP election watch party

The place had pretty well cleared out by the time Kay told...

Vote 2011: Morzel, Plass, Ziskin, Jones, King for Boulder City Council

Boulder voters are fortunate to have so many intelligent, talented and experienced people step forward each time the city of Boulder holds an election for City Council. This year, voters are being asked to consider 13 candidates and choose five council members, each ...

Foodie fanaticism

Buying a gift for self-proclaimed foodies can be daunting, especially if you aren’t as knowledgeable as they are on the subject...

Wean off the screen

Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics when shopping for kids’ holiday gifts...

Ryan Schuchard — 2023 Boulder City Council Candidate Questionnaire

Candidate: Ryan Schuchard Office: Boulder City Council Website: QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES: Yes/No Questions - Please answer only with yes/no. Are you a homeowner? Yes Do you think your City should...

A question of journalistic ethics

Over the past couple of weeks, some of you may have heard...

Giving birth in chains

  I first learned about the shackling of inmates in labor back in 1999 after Amnesty International did its study of the issue and made its findings public. What I read in that report, titled “Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in ...