Sex and jealousy
One of the most frequent questions I hear is: Should I be jealous if my partner fantasizes about someone else when we are in bed? Sure, go ahead and be jealous. Honor this very natural feeling surging through your system. Then take a deep breath and remember ...
Why You Should Make Your Pharmacist Your Best Friend
Dear Pharmacist, I’m frequently confused by all the choices when I’m trying to select an over-the-counter (OTC) product from the drugstore. Is it OK to ask the pharmacist for help? I’ve tried at times, but they are always busy and I have to wait. --P.R. New ...
5 Easy Steps for a Medicine Cabinet Make-over
Dear Pharmacist, I saw you on TV the other day, talking about medicine cabinets and how to clean them out. I caught the tail-end of the segment, can you explain more about that in your column. I’m sure everyone can benefit. --M.L., Orlando, FloridaAnswer: Sure, ...
Surrender to win
The past two weeks we have explored David Reed’s model of human sexual response. Stage one covered seduction as the brain’s erection to get us psychologically stimulated. Stage two explored sensation and different layers around what is needed for arousal, ...
Vision-Saving Supplements Cut Down on Glare
Dear Pharmacist,My eyes are so sensitive to light that I have to reach for my sunglasses as soon as I step out the door. Can you offer any help with this problem? --E.R. Silver Springs, Florida Answer: If sunglasses are desired for normal outdoor light, your eyes are...
The truth about genitals
Welcome back to Sophisticated Sex. This week we are changing the format of the column to incorporate your most juicy, burning or embarrassing questions about sex, intimacy and relationships. To submit your questions, see contact information at the bottom of the ...
Give Thanks for Cinnamon and All It’s Health Benefits
Dear Pharmacist, I dread holiday meals. There’s so much great food, and it’s so hard to resist. Is there any good news in the midst of this orgy of over-indulgence? --A.F. Denver, ColoradoAnswer: Yes, the spices of the holiday season are good for you, but rule number...