
Holy Basil is a Heavenly Herb

Dear Pharmacist...

Avoid Side Effects By Timing Your Medications Properly

Dear Pharmacist, I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m wondering if it has something to do with my new medications. I’ve begun taking sertraline (Zoloft) for depression at night and hydrocodone for pain which I take every morning. The problem is that I feel like a ...

‘Tis the Season To Be Healthy

Dear Pharmacist...

Maybe Your Body Needs an Oil Change?

Dear Pharmacist,I heard you say that cooking with “vegetable oil” was your least favorite oil. It’s all I’ve ever used. Why don’t you like it, and what oils should we cook with? --R.E. Austin, Texas...

Wash Your Mouth Out- It Prevents Heart Disease

Dear Pharmacist,Heart disease runs in my family so naturally, I’m worried. A friend told me that brushing your teeth can prevent heart disease. I was polite, but I don’t believe him. Can this be true? --K.M., Sanibel, FloridaAnswer:  You’re friend is right so how ...

Shop Like A Pharmacist

Dear Pharmacist...

I want you to want me

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Getting the groove back

Dear Dr. Jenni...

The stimulus for sex

Larry lost his house in the fire last week. Everything was gone — art, clothes and furniture. Everything expect for Rebecca...

The slow lane on the dating highway

 Last week we looked at meeting. This week we look at mating and maintaining, otherwise known as dating...

Eyes wide open

Dear Dr. Jenni...