
What’s in your backpack?

Sheila went to a financial planning convention last weekend. She intended to take home information about retirement, life and disability insurance, and how much to save versus spend. Instead, she took home Mike...

Flax Seed Protects Against Breast and Prostate Cancer 

Dear Pharmacist, My older sister had a mastectomy earlier this year. I understand that breast cancer runs in families, so now I’m scared to death so I’m getting tests done myself. Can you offer advice from your natural perspective? --R.Y. Seattle, Washington Answer: ...

Maybe Your Body Needs an Oil Change?

Dear Pharmacist,I heard you say that cooking with “vegetable oil” was your least favorite oil. It’s all I’ve ever used. Why don’t you like it, and what oils should we cook with? --R.E. Austin, Texas...

Rebooting your sex life

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Adding orgasm to health care reform

As Washington argues about our health care system, we citizens of Boulder can claim bragging rights for being one of the most happy and healthy cities in the nation. We have it covered when it comes to diet, exercise, mountains and meditation. However, we may have to...

Give Thanks for Cinnamon and All It’s Health Benefits

Dear Pharmacist, I dread holiday meals. There’s so much great food, and it’s so hard to resist. Is there any good news in the midst of this orgy of over-indulgence? --A.F. Denver, ColoradoAnswer: Yes, the spices of the holiday season are good for you, but rule number...

I’ll show you mine, you show me yours

I think it’s safe to say that we are a compulsive society and all of us are obsessed with something. In Boulder, our obsessions tend to be mountain biking the Marshall Mesa Trail or training for the Bolder Boulder. For me, I’m addicted to those free samples at ...

Skin Tags May Point to Diabetes

Dear Pharmacist, I used to have beautiful skin and now as I get older I notice more and more age spots. How can I get rid of the ones I have and stop more from forming?  I'm also curious as to why some people get skin tags as we age. Thanks.  --K.S.  Lodi, ...

‘Beet’ someone you love

Dear Pharmacist...

The pheromone phenomenon

Last week we discussed “seduction” as the psychological stimulation needed to get us turned on to sex. Once the brain becomes erect, our next challenge is to get the body excited. We typically know this stage as arousal, or the awakening of the second biggest sex ...