Cruising the Cataract
Colorado River’s Cataract Canyon features beauty and solitude, along with a dose of adrenaline In Green River, Utah, the Colorado River runs through a vacant landscape of piñon, rock spires and empty salt flats, the water a cool thought as the sun bakes down on ...
Doing dad right
Father’s Day 2010 gear guide Primus PrimeTorch 801 flashlight Dads love gadgets, aka big boy toys, especially ones they can use. The Primus PrimeTorch 801 is a professional quality flashlight made from aircraftgrade aluminum that will last a lifetime. Featuring ...
Local woman skis to fight hunger
Miller will summit and ski Denali for G Movement, Action Against Hunger A first glance, Melanie Miller seems like the typical Colorado athlete. She’s skied every major mountain around, and she’d tele in the backcountry if she has her choice. When asked about her...
Climbing Colorado’s couloirs
By definition, a couloir is a steep gorge cut into the side of a mountain. Couloirs constitute the artistry of the hills, carving out massive grooves that often define the character of a mountain. Some peaks are lined with sheer vertical streaks, capped off with ...
Log helps keep track of your work
High-tech training gear is not for everyone. Watches that record distance and time, beeping randomly if the pace is too slow or fast, can be distracting — and expensive. Fitness enthusiasts interested in tracking their performance have low-tech options. There are ...
The sports bar
When you feel like being a spectator instead The bar wasn’t much. It was cramped and crowded and stunk of stale beer. Outside, the rain spit and swirled in the wind, a summer storm that had left three days of puddles on the sidewalks and wasn’t about to ...
Watches help keep pace in the water
Athletes training for a triathlon or swim competition may have a timing issue. Few watches are both waterproof and able to time laps, meaning athletes can only time the full workout and then divide the workout time by the number of laps swum. Rough estimates don...
Groovy in the Gore More flowers than Woodstock without the mud or crowds The trail was rocky...
BC Bike Race 2010
One way to take the crisis out of mid-life When I read this, I was in. Boulder’s own Velo News reported that during the 2007 running of the BC Bike Race a staff medic was attending to a severely hurting participant. “This guy I wanted to send to the hospital, ...
Heading outdoors? Bring your phone
Apps make it easy to get more out of your adventures...
Doing the Dog
Try this descent while getting high on a fourteener You can see it from the trail. A white cleft that drops directly off of Torreys Peak. It draws the eye in a sinuous line, plunging off the summit, a throat-wrenching vertical elevator that spills into a large ...
Dog training 101: Swimming
If you have had trouble getting your dog to swim, dog trainer Jim Closson of A Better Pet in Boise, Idaho has some tips. “You just don’t throw them in the water. That will scare the heck out of them,” Closson said. He recommended...