
The modern-day climber?

Falling didn’t used to be a part of climbing rules. You couldn’t fall. If you did, your life was in peril...

What’s it like to ski Colorado? Snowmass has the answer

We looked down on Long Shot, a 15-minute hike behind us, the clouds below us, and the state’s longest ski run in front of us. It was nearing 3 o’clock and would turn out to be our last run of the day, which had been packed with some phenomenal skiing at Snowmass. The...

Getting wet

Blame it on Boulder. At least that’s where author, adventurer and Boulder native Eugene Buchanan lays responsibility for an interesting, eclectic life that has taken him around the globe in search of steep rapids on remote rivers and some not so steep and rapid...

Racing to save bonobos

Canadian-American novelist Deni Béchard, a recent resident of Breckenridge, has written two award-winning books and explored more than 50 countries. When he heard bonobos, our closest living relative alongside chimpanzees, are going extinct, he set out for the Congo ...

Daredevil Makes Test Jump at 71,581 Feet

The plunge from 71,581 feet was a success. Next up: 120,000 feet...

Looking away from the past: ‘Duk County’ at Adventure Film Festival

Jordan Campbell’s journey to South Sudan, and the film documenting the volunteer work of eye doctors from the U.S. there, started far across the globe in Tibet...

One way or another

Injuries often take athletes out of the game, but for Boulderite J.T. Thompson, a fractured neck gave him the push he needed to enter...

Boulder cyclists speed to first and second in Pro Challenge Stage...

After a day of racing that saw racers from Colombia, Italy and Germany at the head of breakaway packs and leading the charge in the King of the Mountain contests, it was Boulder cyclists Tejay Van Garderen and Christian Vandevelde who surged ahead at the end to snag ...

138 skydivers complete airborne formation, shatter world record

For four seconds, 138 skydivers joined together in midair, holding hands and forming a star-like formation. Their synchronized jump set a world record for largest formation, but it wasn't as easy as it sounds...

Now you see it, now you don’t

John Birchak’s eyes well with tears as he speaks about his first days in Tibet — three days in the sacred city of Lhasa, often spent watching Buddhist devotees walk wellworn paths around and around and around monasteries on Barkhor Street...

New website dedicated to I-70 traveler

Skiers, sightseers, residents and mountain travelers of all kinds now have a new way of planning and improving their next trip along I-70:, a website and mobile phone application (

The everyman ultrarunner

Greg Salvesen, an astrophysics graduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder, didn’t compete on his high school track team. His running hobby began in college with a casual exercise routine, generally peaking around eight miles. In 2008, he completed his ...