Barbara Hamlington — 2023 Louisville City Council Candidate Questionnaire


Yes/No Questions:

1. Are you a homeowner? Yes

2. If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? No

3. Do you believe there’s a need for more housing in Louisville? Yes

4. Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? Yes

General Questions (no more than 300 words):

1. Why do you want to be a council member? 

I feel a sense of responsibility to represent the needs of other working parents and ensure our community continues to be an environmentally responsible and prosperous small town our children want to return to when they become adults.

2. When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that? 

2017, Colorado

3. Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges?

The city of Louisville recently hired a recovery and resilience program manager to focus on emergency preparedness, hazard mitigation, and disaster recovery. I will continue to collaborate with staff to ensure the voices of our residents are heard as we recover from past disasters and build resiliency programs to mitigate future risks.

4. How do you think you stand out from other candidates? 

I strive to be a calm and thoughtful leader who provides forward thinking, innovative solutions through critical evaluation of data and open conversations with community members of diverse viewpoints.

5. What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot? 

How can we work together to continue building a vibrant, diverse, and resilient community that promotes environmental sustainability, commercial vitality, and equitable housing? 

6. What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness? 

I believe that collaboration with the county and state is necessary to develop comprehensive solutions for the growing population of unhoused people in our community.  These solutions may include, but are not limited to, an affordable living wage and inclusive, affordable housing in our community. 

7. What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Louisville? 

The disparity between housing costs and income continues to grow and creative solutions are needed to achieve affordable housing goals both for our senior population who desire to age in place with dignity, and families looking to live in Louisville. I supported the Proposition 123 affordable housing commitment that will qualify applicable projects in Louisville for affordable housing grant funds from the State Affordable Housing Fund. I believe strategic use of existing developed land is critical to achieve our affordable housing goals while honoring the character of Louisville and protecting open space. Commercial land vacancies, such as those along the McCaslin corridor, offer the opportunity to reimagine existing developed land for mixed residential and commercial use close to public transportation. Furthermore, accessory dwelling units (ADUs) can provide multigenerational housing and supplemental income for mortgage payments through responsible and fair rental agreements. 

8. How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet Louisville’s climate goal of zero carbon by 2030?

Decarbonization of municipal, residential and commercial buildings is essential to reduce our impact on the environment and make progress towards our sustainability goals. I support the municipal decarbonization plan for the City of Louisville and believe the next step is to strategize what resources are needed to encourage residents and businesses to make environmentally sustainable choices as well. I believe that incentivizing residents and businesses to retrofit existing systems with environmentally friendly choices is critical to achieving our sustainability goals. Furthermore, I believe that working with developers and contractors to incentivize environmentally friendly building material choices in new construction is necessary as well. 

9. What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them? 

My goals for transportation include reducing consumption of fossil fuels by building an infrastructure that supports alternative modes of transportation.  This includes, but is not limited to, improved EV charging infrastructure and access to safe, multimodal transportation for residents of all ages and abilities.

10. How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents?

Louisville recently hired an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Manager to lead and advance diverse, equitable and inclusive practices within the city. I will continue to collaborate with staff to identify opportunities to engage community members in the decision-making process. In an effort to engage families of diverse backgrounds, I have been working with leadership at the local schools to distribute relevant city information to families living in Louisville.  For example, I recently distributed the community-wide survey that will inform development of the upcoming comprehensive plan.  

11. How does diversity factor into your policy making?

A primary motivation for seeking election is to represent the voices and lived experiences of the entire community. As a trained genetic counselor, I have experience engaging and supporting individuals of many backgrounds and abilities. As a council member, I not only listen to the voices present in the room, but also consider the equally important voices not present when decisions are made. 

12. How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you? 

I strive to fulfill my responsibilities as a council member through continual open dialogue and critical evaluation of available data. I regularly interact with members of the community and staff through individual meetings or community events in order to build connections, gain perspective, and fulfill my duties as a council member.

13. Rank your top 5 issues in priority

  1. Economic Vitality
  2. Affordable Housing
  3. Environmental Sustainability
  4. Recovery and Resilience
  5. Safe and Accessible Transportation

Other Louisville Candidates:

City of Louisville Mayor (4-year term) (Vote for One)

Sherry Sommer

Chris Leh

Josh Cooperman

City of Louisville City Council Ward 1 (4-year term)

Caleb Dickenson

City of Louisville City Council Ward 2 (4-year term) (Vote for One)

Deborah Fahey

George Colbert

City of Louisville City Council Ward 3 (Vote for not more than Two)

The candidate with the highest number of votes will serve a four-year term. The candidate with the second highest number of votes will serve a two-year term.

Dietrich Hoefner

Barbara Hamlington