Tag: Sep 08 2016 issue

Down to the bone

Boulder is not a town in which there is great need to extol the virtues of healthy eating... healthy anything, really. While every choir...

To understand Trump, we have to look back

It is quite disturbing that the presidential nominee of a major political party would retweet messages from a user with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM, whose...

‘Pot is fun’ and other thoughts by Allen Ginsberg

With the fall equinox approaching, the second coming of the summer of love is coming to an end. The first summer of love was...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Somehow, robots babies don’t work, but birth control does The day that abstinence-only education was introduced in schools should be a day celebrated in history....

Get high with a little help from your friends

The Reel Rock Film Tour is back, and this year the weekend-long adventure film series is paying homage to those folks who show us...

Reefer Madness 2016 — ‘Los Angeles Times’ edition

The Los Angeles Times published an article last week that was a latter day incarnation of 1930s-style reefer madness. The headline was “Marijuana: A potent...

Letters: 9/8/16

Colorado Secretary of State fails to protect Colorado citizens On Sept. 4, 2016, it was reported that natural gas emissions surpassed coal according to the...

Spanning the globe at The Dairy

On Oct. 8, The Dairy Arts Center will present a concert titled “World Beat,” but that enticing title could easily be applied to most...

All about the show

Every Labor Day weekend since 1974, filmmakers, critics, historians, students, moviegoers and a handful of outdoorsmen and women converge on the quaint little mountain...

GOP racism and Trump

Donald Trump’s zigzags on race can be confusing. He holds a polite, presidential-style press conference with the president of Mexico and then goes to...

It’s greed that fuels this CEO’s ‘grit’

Heather Bresch regards herself as a self-made corporate success story — a woman who came out of hard-scrabble West Virginia and scrambled to the...

No hesitation

Yael Naim is on the path of discovery. In her 2008 hit breakout song “New Soul” she sings, “I’m a new soul/I came to...