Tag: nov 16 2017 issue

Context is everything

Ganzeer spends most of his time these days sitting at the orange desk in his apartment overlooking Denver’s Cheesman Park. He’s working on a...

‘So, You’re a Poet’

Don’t read into the title, “So, You’re a Poet,” just see it for what it is. There’s no question mark, no other words. It’s...

Boulder Symphony presents music inspired by Shakespeare

Devin Patrick Hughes had some tough choices to make. The conductor of the Boulder Symphony wanted to do a concert celebrating music inspired by Shakespeare,...

Prying open the third eye

This summer, Cameron McArthur sat in a clinic in Denver, an infusion pump slowly introducing ketamine to his bloodstream. As the drug worked its...

Slow-mo Poirot

Whether you find the latest adaptation of the Agatha Christie classic, Murder on the Orient Express, “deliberate” or “boring” hinges entirely on the delight...

A history of violence

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion ... I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do...

Rooting for change

When Elizabeth Black was a kid growing up in Hawaii, she spent her days running without shoes between the banyan trees, sometimes as large...

‘Marijuana Won Tuesday’s Election’

The Cannabis News headline on the election results wrap-up piece summarized the situation succinctly: “Marijuana Won Tuesday’s Election.” Writer Tom Angell, founder of the nonprofit...

Let’s talk about sex, baby

A Stanford University survey analysis recently found that people who smoke cannabis regularly have more sex than people who don’t. Twenty percent more to be...

Off Target 10: Is dividing by five hiding the real culprit?

On Nov. 6, 2017, WildEarth Guardians (WEG) and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) agreed to a hold on their lawsuit against the USDA-Wildlife...

Standing Up to Trump at COP23

President Donald Trump’s attempt at pushing a fossil fuel agenda at this year’s 23rd United Nations climate talks (COP23), includes coal, oil, nuclear and...

Turkey Day terrors

Every November for 30 years or so I’ve written about the big day and shared my family’s recipe for Italian sausage and potato stuffing. Every...