Tag: Mar 24 2016 issue

Innisfree makes a big, if short, move

Moving can be a scary word for independent businesses and their customers. Sometimes shops close their doors and reopen miles away, out of reach...

Tracking killer asteroids

In December 2004, astronomers in Arizona discovered an asteroid the size of a cruise ship that appeared to be on a collision course with...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Snow day In case you missed it, it snowed like 2 feet on Wednesday and a bunch of roads throughout Boulder County were closed. We...

Why Merrick Garland should go to hell

When it comes to marijuana, Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, deserves a special place in hell. A place where every night demons wearing Drug...

Paying the price

When I first meet Juan de Dios García, he’s laughing. His dark eyes twinkle as his dimples indent and his smile broadens. But there...

Letters: 3/24/16

The wrong GMO question Joel Dyer laments the lack of action on GMOs by Boulder County on county-owned land. The failure is quite simple,...

Syria: A different perspective

Five years ago, the people of Syria rebelled in peaceful protests for political freedom and social justice, which were inspired by the “Arab Spring”...

Proposed bill: local control over oil and gas activity

Comments from lawmakers, advocates and industry personnel were heard this week by a state assembly panel on a bill that would give local control...

Astrology: March 24, 2016

ARIES March 21-April 19: When Orville and Wilbur Wright were kids, their father gave them a toy helicopter powered by a rubber band. The year...

‘Remember’ digs up a history of violence

William Faulkner wisely wrote, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” No matter how hard we try to suppress and forget, the...

Pumping seawater onto Antarctica won’t work

Sea level rise is likely to be a problem too big to handle. Geoengineers will not be able to magic away the rising tides,...

Dakota Soifer’s sustainable life at Cafe Aion

Remember the ’60s and ’70s? It was a time when rebellious Baby Boom parents — often named Mike or Susan — gave their kids...