Tag: mar 16 2017 issue

Magic flutes, golden flutes and flutists of all ages

There will be many kinds of flutes at the University of Colorado Boulder next week: Magic, golden, and from piccolo to bass. The central event...

The art of riding low

When a woman dresses up, if she wears a dress, shoes and combed hair she looks plain, right? But when she puts on a...

Where does religion fit in kink?

Dear Dan: I went to Dark Odyssey Winter Fire, the big kink hotel takeover event in Washington, D.C., in February. There was one thing...

Owned by none, loved by all

Cats have been woefully maligned by cinema. Sometimes they are villains — like the conniving Si and Am from Lady and the Tramp —...

Light on bananas

In spurts, Kong: Skull Island is the whacked-out, gleeful nonsense director Jordan Vogt-Roberts clearly longed to make. Straight-jacketed by a studio determined to craft...

The times, they are a-changin’ — U.S. Air Force edition

Here’s a story that didn’t get a lot of attention when it broke in January but should have: The United States Air Force has...

The people’s vegan

Vegans are hard to find in much of the United States. Not so in Boulder, a town awash in vegans and vegan-friendly folks plus...

Off Target Part 3: CPW and the oil and gas industry...

Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW) two predator management plans have been ensnared in contention and doubt regarding their scientific legitimacy and underlying purpose since...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

News media must quit crying ‘Wolf’ There are two kinds of news these days. No, not real and fake. Fake news isn’t news at all....

Letters: 3/16/17

Time to transition from Xcel Today policy is at a crossroads; a decision must be made whether to adhere to decaying remnants of our past or...

Danish is all about propaganda

I occasionally cruise articles by Paul Danish to see what regurgitated right-wing propaganda looks like. His article on the “slobs” of Standing Rock was exemplary. I...

The man who sold Mars

The most interesting man in the world isn’t the guy selling beer for Dos Equis. It’s Elon Musk. A couple months ago Musk, the founder...