Tag: dec 31 2015 issue

Born dead

Alone and bleeding, Jordan MacTaggart could do little but listen to the bullets whizzing over his head or bouncing off the small pile of rocks that made up his inadequate hiding place. He tightened the tourniquet around his bloody, right upper thigh and waited, maybe...

Born dead sidebar: An abbreviated Syrian primer

It took a few thousand years to create the autonomous by the Kurds during the Syrian uprising in current political mess that is the Middle November 2013...

Are the days of Colorado skiing numbered?

Ski Country U.S.A.” is in a tight spot. While ski resorts across the country market themselves as “environmentally friendly,” many know that business will be hurt even if they achieve 100 percent carbon neutrality — knowledge that brings a big question: how can an ...

Learning to walk in India

Standing in a bus station in Mumbai, Molly Brown lit a fresh cigarette off the smoldering stub of another — it’s not that the American nurse didn’t know better, it’s just that she didn’t give a damn anymore. Extreme pain will do that...

Are our trails as happy as we think?

It’s easy to be a nature detective on an early December morning at Brainard Lake. The coiled criss-crosses of Yaktrax and racket-shaped prints of snowshoes mingle with wide ribbons of knobby tread and the divot and drag of ski poles. The post-holes of lumbering elk ...

Top 10 albums of 2015

It’s been eight years since I began writing an annual year-end feature on 10 great new albums for Boulder Weekly, and the notion of what’s “best” is still far from my mind. As always, this is about sharing, tuning in and turning on, not rating...

Sanctuary for refugees: Andre Trocme and Le Chambon-sur-Lignon

Recent comments by U.S. politicians have left many troubled, worried about a replay of Nazi-era Germany here in the United States. The specter of the Jewish Holocaust recast upon Muslim and refugee bodies haunts many. In times such as these, the stories of courageous...

Trump brings humiliation TV to politics

Many Americans don’t pay attention to politics. But they do watch TV. Most likely, more people know who Donald Trump is than they know who their congressional representative is. The Donald is a superstar of pop culture. He is a twotime Emmy Award-nominated “...

Come and see

Two Decembers ago, New Yorker critic Richard Brody wrote, “The year 2013 has been an amazing one for movies, though maybe every year is an amazing year for movies if one is ready to be amazed by movies.” True in 2013, and true in 2015 as cinema continues an upward ...

Ghost in the machine

On some level, every work of art is a reflection of the human condition. Who we are and how we relate to others and the world around us is the concern of every artist, but for some, that concern is an obsession...

Explaining Congressional morality

It’s always interesting to see Congress in action, though “interesting” can also be appalling. For example, what a sight it is to watch Republican leaders as they gleefully try to repeal Obamacare, the law extending health care coverage to all Americans. As they vote...

Not your grandma’s cookbook

If you were to see Robyn Grigg Lawrence’s new cookbook lying out on your grandma’s kitchen table, you probably wouldn’t think twice. The book’s glossy cover shows a plate of pesto pasta garnished with lovely green leafs. Pick up the book and thumb through it and you ...