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Special Editions

Front Range events 2018-19

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 The Wolves — Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company presents a coming-of-age story about a girls soccer team that is about much more than...

Statewide events 2018-19

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Finding Neverland — Meet the inspiration behind J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan in this magical, musical adaptation of the hit film. Lincoln Center...

Front Range concerts 2018-19

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Perpetual Groove, Kung Fu. 8 p.m. Fox Theatre, 1135 13th St., Boulder, 720-645-2467. Paper Moonshine. 8 p.m. The Laughing Goat Coffeehouse, 1709 Pearl...

One lift wonder

Zack Finger is sweating. It’s hot in his fabrication shop, no air conditioning in the dying embers of summer as the late-season sun beats...

Best of Boulder East County — Retail

Bookstore THE BOOK CELLAR 724 Main St., Louisville, 303-604-2880 Broomfield Winner: 2nd & Charles Longmont Winner: Barbed Wire Books There’s a reason The Book Cellar keeps winning this award....

Best of Boulder East County 2018 — Food

Place to Go on a First Date THE MELTING POT 732 Main St., Louisville, 303-666-7777 Erie Winner: 24 Carrot Bistro Lafayette and Longmont Winner: The Post Brewing Company Some things...

Best of Boulder 2018 — Fitness & Heath

Climbing/Parkour Gym EVO ROCK + FITNESS 1754 Dogwood St., Louisville, 303-317-3770 Longmont Winner: Longmont Climbing Collective We can’t all climb like Tommy Caldwell or break free solo records...

Best of Boulder East County 2018 — Entertainment & Culture

Place to Dance NISSI’S 2675 Northpark Drive, Lafayette, 303-665-2757 Longmont Winner: The Speakeasy Lyons Winner: Oskar Blues Grill & Brew There’s a reason we at Boulder Weekly have repeatedly...

Best of Boulder East County 2018 — Drink

Wine Selection /PÔR/ WINE HOUSE 836 1/2 Main St., Louisville, 720-666-1386 Longmont Winner: Bin No. 46 Craft Bar + Restaurant Wander down the brick path to the...