Kids Camp
Outdoor: Making the connection
"Not too many years ago, a child’s experience was limited by how far he or she could ride a bicycle or by the physical boundaries that parents set. Today, the real boundaries of a child’s life are set more by the number of available cable channels and videotapes, by ...
Performing Arts: Easing into the limelight
Bowing to thunderous applause from proud, camera-wielding parents may just seem like practice for young actors with dreams of Broadway, but for every child, healthy self-esteem is essential to future success. By creating a safe environment, performing arts camps work...
Special Needs: Equal opportunity sporting
For the able-bodied youth population, access to outdoor activity can occur with little to no financial cost. Kids can run, hike and swim without the need for expensive equipment, resources and staff. They engage in physical education programs through their schools ...
Nurturing nature
Thorne Natural Science School connects kids with nature Thorne Natural Science School, for kids ranging from toddlers to teens, is celebrating its 53rd anniversary this year. The camp began in Boulder in 1957 and expanded to its Waterton Canyon location in Littleton...
Kids Camp Directory (continued)
Girls Wilderness Program Adventure CampWomen’s Wilderness Institute, Boulder303-938-9191www.womenswilderness.orgWilderness-based courses specifically created for girls ages 8-18. Have a blast backpacking, rock climbing and learning outdoor skills and expressive arts...