U.S. produces more gas
(Re: “Copenhagen was a success — for the Chinese,” Danish Plan, Dec. 31.) Paul Danish’s implication that the Copenhagen accord, such as it is, is unfairly advantageous to China and other developing countries ignores the simple and overwhelming fact that China’s per ...
Dear readers, supporters and community partners:
As we bid goodbye to 2009 and set our sights not only on a new year but a new decade, I would like to share with you some of what has happened during the past year at Boulder's only independent newspaper, as well as what you can expect to see from us in the coming ...
Helpful New Year’s resolutions
In addition to working up my own list of New Year’s resolutions, it occurs to me that some of the people running our country could benefit from my suggestions for their lists. No need for them to thank me — happy to help...
Copenhagen was a success — for the Chinese
It would be wrong to say that nothing came out of the Copenhagen conference. Just ask the Chinese...
Offer a coal alternative
(Re: “Another lump of coal,” Danish Plan, Dec. 17.) While I found the article by Mr. Danish amusing, he does nothing to propose where the computing center should have been built and thus what type of electrical generation should be used. Had the center been built ...
Who wants to die for Karzai?
With some notable exceptions and a great deal of grumbling in...
Another lump of coal
NCAR is going to build a giant new supercomputer, the better to study climate change, which is cool. Indeed, the project has already provided one profound, if wickedly ironic, insight into the problem...
Danish omits climate facts
(Re: “Climategate,” Danish Plan, Dec. 3.) That Paul Danish finds “corrupt science” in the “Climategate” e-mails says less about how science is actually done and more about his own willingness to distort and omit facts...
Credit-rating finaglers freed by meek Congress
America has the wrong approach for dealing with thieves. Rather than “looking backwards” at their misdeeds and “punishing” them, we merely need to ask that they not misbehave in the future, then monitor their behavior...
‘Illegal aliens’ crush the U.S.
(Re: “No man’s land,” cover story, Dec. 3.) Your article on students who are illegal aliens (no, I’m not going to use the euphemism “undocumented immigrants”) was another example of one-sided, emotional coverage of this issue without an objective analysis of the ...
FEC hacks kill another ethics reform
The Federal Election Commission might as well be re-named the Federal Execution Commission, for it repeatedly and ruthlessly takes election reforms down a dark hallway in its building and executes them...