
Iran and the math of the final countdown

How close is Iran to getting the bomb? A lot closer than you might think and a lot closer than the Obama administration has let on. The truth is hiding in plain sight. It’s in the arithmetic of uranium enrichment. The arithmetic shows that the Iranian nuclear ...

Respecting chickens, or chicken profits?

Let`s talk chicken. I don’t mean clucking and cockadoodledooing, but the power of the bird. Most people hear the word “chicken” and immediately think: “Dinner!” Some commercial interests in Georgia, however, think: “Money!” So they’ve launched a campaign to put the ...

Shackling is ridiculous and inhumane

Pamela White’s article “Pregnant in Prison” moved me to tears (cover story, Feb. 18). Having a wrist or ankle of a woman in labor shackled is shocking and inhumane. Only people who have never given birth would think such a thing is OK...

The Karzai-ization of Afghanistan

Isn't it great that America is standing so forcefully for fundamental principles of democracy around the world? We’re standing side-by-side with some of the most notable, incredible and astonishing democratic leaders on the globe today. Specifically, of course, I’m ...

Stop the sex trade

(Re: “Slaves to Sex,” Cover story, Feb. 11.) Sex addiction provides an increasingly popular explanation as to why men buy women and girls for sex. Many professional therapists and their clients support this theory, perhaps in part because the therapists directly ...

Obama goes nuclear — will carbon caps follow?

According to a recent Reuters article, the U.S. Senate is about to take up climate change/capand-trade/energy legislation again, which, politically, is like taking up serpents...

Lawmakers dance with the devil

If you choose to dance with the devil, never flatter yourself that you're in the lead...

Help cure Sallie Mae’s sugar addiction

Sallie Mae is not one of those girls who’re made of “sugar and spice and everything nice.” Well, she is filled with sugar, but it comes from you and me, thanks to a longtime sweetheart deal she has from the federal government...

Form shameless sex groups

(Re: “Slaves to sex,” cover story, Feb. 11.) Ms. Creel’s article reflects the economic downslide’s effect on psychiatric worker income. Most common folk can no longer afford the extravagance of paying big bucks to heal the stubbed big toes of their inner children, so...

The marketplace of ideas

Whatever else it did, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission — that’s the campaign finance case — has prompted a lot of Boulder lefties to take pen in hand and hyperventilate that the American republic, and possibly ...

Getting to know the right wing

Time for another edition of the new game that’s sweeping the nation: “Who’s That Right Winger?” An interconnected network of extremely wealthy, far-right-wing individuals are quietly pushing their ideological, corporatist and plutocratic agenda all across America...

Close tax loopholes

The Colorado government is struggling with the worst recession in 70 years. Declining tax revenues and waning federal stimulus funds foreshadow deep cuts in state government spending. To cope, the governor has proposed eliminating special tax exemptions for some ...