A modest proposal to protect members of Congress
I have a modest proposal for increasing the security for U.S. Congressmen without isolating them from their constituents anymore than they already are...
The war on cold medicine isn’t working
Much of the success of American law enforcement can be traced to this important reality: Criminals tend to be stupid. In other words, they catch themselves...
Judy Bonds: A model citizen
Chances are that an art museum, symphony hall, university building or other public edifice in your area is emblazoned with the name of some prominent rich man. His name is up there in shiny brass, we’re told, because he’s a model citizen for all to emulate...
Stopping massacres: What won’t work and what will
What can be done to keep whackos like Jared Loughner from trying to assassinate congressmen, senators and presidents...
Does everyone deserve a lobbyist?
I went to law school for a week and a half, so I know that everyone accused of a crime, no matter how awful, has a right to be represented by a lawyer. But does everyone have a right to a lobbyist...
Ratifying START was insane
The START strategic arms reduction treaty that the U.S. Senate recently approved should never have been negotiated, much less ratified...