Entergy goes nuclear over Vermont’s decision
The nuclear power boys are weaseling again, this time in Vermont...
Punishing the innocent, enriching the guilty
A recent email to me pretty well sums up the big budget hullaballoo being pushed by tea party Republicans. As the writer put it: “Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401ks, took ...
Colorado should quit punishing pot users
There are at least two groups that intend to put marijuana legalization initiatives on the Colorado ballot in 2012, but neither has as of yet put forward an actual proposal. Here’s mine...
Workers down, bosses up: a morality play
It’s good to know that some corporate chieftains feel the pain of their underlings, who keep being forced to do more for less reward. Take the example of Gannett, the media giant that owns 23 television stations and 82 newspapers, including USA Today...
High spirits at the top
If you want to know how the economy is doing, don’t bother checking the Dow Jones Average or tracking the unemployment numbers...
Eight reasons to arm Libya’s rebels
There seems to be a big debate going on in the Obama administration over whether we should arm and train the Libyan rebels...