
A modest proposal for ending the budget impasse

In his weekly radio address this past Saturday, President Obama called on Republicans and Democrats to make “political sacrifices” to break the budget impasse and prevent the collapse of civilization as we know it...

No more Americans should die for Karzai

One person was giddy with excitement upon hearing President Obama’s announcement that all of America’s combat troops would depart from Afghanistan by 2014: Hamid Karzai...

Letters | Ally, not asexual

Ally, not asexual...

Billionaires hiding behind the hedge

If  your job paid $50,000 a year and you stayed at it for 47 years, your tally for a lifetime of work would be $2.4 million. Not bad — but hedge-fund hustler John Paulson pulled down that much last year...

Letters | Someone spank these kids

Someone spank these kids...

T.J. and gay marriage

Dick Nixon and I were finishing off the Alice B. Toklas fudge when there was a knock on the door. It was Thomas Jefferson...

Letters | Sustainable wine

Sustainable wine...

A little less corporate political corruption

Come on, Obama, do it!  Stand up, stand tall, stand firm! Yes, you can! The president is thinking about issuing an executive order that would mitigate some of the damage done to our democracy by the Supreme Court’s dastardly Citizens United edict, which unleashes ...

Letters | Props to Bootsy

Props to Bootsy...

The drug war turns 40

I was just kicking back with my second piece of Alice B. Toklas fudge when there was a knock on the door. It was Richard Nixon...

Big Coal buys access to 4th graders

If some predator was stalking fourth graders in your community, there’d be a mighty uproar to make the predator get away and stay away from your schools...

Letters | Fight to protect dispensaries

Fight to protect dispensaries (Re: “Seed-to-sale surveillance,” cover story, June 2.) Hopefully, everyone who saw the barcode on the picture of a cannabis leaf on the front of the Boulder Weekly realized that something has gone terribly wrong in Colorado. The purpose...