
Letters | Dog story unbalanced

Correction and clarification...

War on the Mexican border!

Grim-faced military officers and ashen-faced politicians describe a horrific “war zone,” with “hundreds of people murdered” and “citizens under attack around the clock.” Some of the politicos say that the situation is so dire that it “may require our military...

Anti-GMO activism is evil

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, 88 percent of the 2011 U.S. corn crop consists of genetically engineered varieties — either herbicide-tolerant types like Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn, or insect-resistant types ...

Letters | Dogs and shelters

Dogs and shelters...

The disuniting of America

 The Bible doesn’t say that money is the root of all evil — rather, it condemns the love of money...

Letters | Blowing smoke

Blowing smoke (Re: “Cain’s manager inhales,” Danish Plan, Nov. 3.) When Paul Danish refers to Herman Cain’s future search for “all sorts of unexpected and ignored constituencies” that, like the Smoker’s Block he’s presumably won over, will Cain be going after the ...

The corporate purchase of governmental power

Jamie Dimon of New York City made a donation to the New York Police Foundation this spring. “These officers,” Mr. Dimon said at the time, “put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe...

Cain’s manager inhales

A lot of politicos, left and right, seem mystified by an ad produced by Herman Cain, the former pizza CEO who — to their amazement and bemusement — is leading in most of the recent polls for the Republican nomination for president...

Letters | God’s gifts

God’s gifts...

Paulson’s plaintive plea

Who´s the most befuddled Wall Streeter of all? The richest guy on the Street...

Letters | Xcel comes knocking

Xcel comes knocking...

Fired CEOs get gilded goodbyes

In these times of nationwide job insecurity, with five applicants lined up for every job opening, CEOs warn workers that they’d better perform — or else. Or else they’ll be unceremoniously booted out the door...