Guest Columns
Students demand action
On March 21, CU-Boulder Students Demand Action (CU-SDA) held our first public meeting, hosting 85 members of the CU-Boulder and greater BVSD community in...
ADU and OAU priorities and whom policies benefit
PLAN (Peoples League for Action Now)-Boulder County applauds City Council’s effort to expand opportunities for the creation of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Owner...
See how they run!
Last week, the Republican-controlled Senate Agriculture Committee worked overtime to turn its back on the people and the protection given them by the Colorado...
Marches and vigils are not going to bring about the change...
Yet another school shooting. A call for vigils and marches, and letter-writing campaigns. While I agree kids have skin in the game, (always have...
To protect open space from fracking, join us for an Earth...
In early 2012 I participated in my first act of nonviolent direct action when the Boulder Earth Guardians and I shut down a Commissioners’...
Chain migration?
It is historical fact that millions of people have come to the U.S. to create new lives in freedom. Immigration is the origin of...
Affordable housing the community can support
Like much of the nation, Boulder is experiencing housing affordability challenges. Though Boulder has implemented a variety of affordable housing policies, we continue to...
The need for a cultural shift on gender-based violence
November 25th kicked off the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. At no time has this work been more necessary than now....
Standing Up to Trump at COP23
President Donald Trump’s attempt at pushing a fossil fuel agenda at this year’s 23rd United Nations climate talks (COP23), includes coal, oil, nuclear and...
A national park fee increase: The $70 land grab
On Oct. 24, the National Park Service (NPS) announced a proposed entrance fee of $70 at 17 of its 59 national parks. Touted as...
Why take an ‘off-ramp’ to nowhere?
In recent months our community has focused on whether or not Boulder should keep its municipal electric option. Voters will decide the issue this...
Big money is playing Boulder during elections
It’s May 2014 at an annual event called Boulder Startup Week. The topic is entrepreneurs and politics. Congressman Jared Polis (D) has a taunting...