Danish Plan
Civil disobedience in Lafayette and North Dakota
The latest bright idea to emerge from Boulder County’s intrepid anti-frackers is to get the City of Lafayette to legalize “non-violent” civil disobedience and...
China’s new cyber totalitarianism
Human Rights Watch has released a report on human rights abuses in the world’s largest totalitarian state — the People’s Republic of China. And...
The race question
The U.S. Supreme Court last month agreed to expedited consideration of a case challenging the constitutionality of adding a citizenship question — Are you...
How will the great American social distancing experiment end?
How will America’s great social distancing experiment end? Just guessing, but I suspect toward the end of April, millions of Americans will say, in...
Could anti-frackers derail renewable energy?
I learned a new word this week, the mere mention of which may cause the heads of anti-frackers to blow up all over Boulder County.
Oil wells vs. subdivisions
At a recent debate on fracking, Peter Champe of the Longmont anti-fracking group Our Future, Our Health, Our Longmont, summed up his group’s brief. Fracking is a major industrial activity, he said, and major industrial activities aren’t allowed in residential ...
The secret sauce
In the 228 years since the United States Constitution was ratified there have been dozens of attempts to emulate it.
Nations all over the world...
Three ways City Council’s gun ban will make Boulder less safe
The common theme that ran through the testimony of the 30 people who spoke in favor of Boulder’s proposed assault rifle ban last week...
Pot at the tea party
The Boston Tea Party, the original one, occurred on the night of December 16, 1773, when the Sons of Liberty, some cunningly disguised as Ward Churchill, threw 342 chests of British East India Company tea into Boston Harbor. But truth be told, as a date to hold ...
Boulder, Uber, Google and traffic
I have a modest proposal for dealing with Boulder’s traffic mess: outsource the problem to Google and Uber.
Boulder’s traffic mess is bad; the worst...
Anti-fracking initiative uses, uh, unpaid petition circulators
Anti-fracking activists have got their shorts in a knot because pro-fracking activists have been shadowing some of their Initiative 97 petition circulators and urging...
Ban GMOs? First show us the victims
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 2014 94 percent of U.S. soybeans, 93 percent of corn and 90 percent of cotton will be produced from genetically modified plants...