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In case you missed it | Inside baseball, revisited
Inside baseball, revisited...
Senator Gardner and the art of the deal
Far out.
Colorado Republican Senator Cory Gardner struck a mighty blow for marijuana legalization and states’ rights recently. If things play out like Gardner thinks...
The delta-8 gray area
When the federal Farm Bill passed in 2018, it was huge news for the CBD industry. Finally, the regulation of hemp-derived products containing less...
Astrology: Feb. 2, 2023
ARIES (March 21-April 19): During my quest for advice that might be helpful to your love life, I plucked these words of wisdom from...
Astrology | Week of Oct. 1, 2009
Editor's note: Oops! We goofed! We've been running Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology column a week ahead for the past two weeks. Rob knows which week is which; we just had a small karmic conundrum. We sincerely hope that you can forgive us. We'll be back on track ...
Colorado Christian University’s junk social science
The Marijuana Moment website last Monday live-streamed the New Jersey Assembly’s joint senate/house committee hearing on the recreational marijuana legalization bill that’s been hanging...
Safety first — and ethical considerations of legalization
No matter how you feel about the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, medically or recreationally, the legal change in status effectively enhanced the freedoms...
ICUMI (In case you missed it)
All hail Zoron
Hey NASA, want to increase your funding? We’ve got a great idea how you can get all the money you could ever...
A win for the state, a model for the country
USDA approves Colorado’s State Hemp Plan, providing
local hemp farmers more flexibility — and Polis
believes it will set the standard