Looking past the uniform
A uniform solidifies a sense of sameness, but as Helen Thorpe set out to write her latest book, Soldier Girls, she realized that behind the uniform, experiences are anything but alike...
Of adverbs and experimentation
Of course I liked Secrets & Lies, a collection of short fiction written by Josh Gross. I like Josh Gross. We dated in college, hated each other until I was in graduate school, and then became friends. And there’s enough of him in those pages for it to feel, after ...
a coin I am the not-iguana. the gulliver. oh mainly what...
When the whatnot I am am I I am I I am am I primarily occupations and hatwear. Whatear war heat at raw he wet hare. So it can so it can...
Hello, Bali!
 Flying to Bali this past September for a semester of for-credit study abroad, 24-year-old Naropa University student Jacqueline Tardie had no idea what to expect. A senior with dual majors in art and religion, Tardie didn’t know the Bahasa Indonesia language or what ...
Through science, nature’s wonders
It is not the preferred style of Professor Richard Dawkins, the famed evolutionary biologist and militant atheist crusader, to preach to the choir...