Arts & Culture

Cultivating communities of care

In this world, there are winners and there are losers. It’s survival of the fittest, and only the strongest survive. By this point in...

A place to call home

It’s hard to believe that anything is capable of expanding in the ice-water bath that is 2020, but the team at Block 1750 is...

Image and sound

When Katie Selvage stepped into an unassuming Santa Fe gallery for inspiration to take home to her own art space in Boulder, she didn’t...

Esse quam videri

I’m from Western North Carolina, from a town in the foothills nestled up against the Appalachian (Appa-LATCH-un, the way I say it, but more...

The American dream and the American nightmare

I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her...

The machine of death continues to roll on

"The cold weather is terrible here,” Bertha Bermúdez Tapia says over Zoom from a refugee camp in Matamoros, a city in Mexico just across...

A dream come true

A self-described tomboy growing up in Boulder, Annette Buvoli only started ballet classes to hang out with her friend.  “My best friend wanted to do...

‘It doesn’t have to sound the same, it just has to...

Delvon Lamarr’s musical career started with a lie.  “I think it was in seventh grade, I ended up lying to the band teacher,” Lamarr, who...

Historical hippies

Turbulent is one of those words people use to simplify immensely complex situations into something easily understood...

To have and to hoard

Last week’s snow is stubbornly hanging around in patches along the gravel road leading to Joel Haertling’s five storage units off a major thoroughfare...

On paper wings

Boulder’s Marisa Aragón Ware didn’t know what to expect when she was chosen as a contestant on the Discovery Channel’s Meet Your Makers earlier...

A collective cacophony

The story of Meow Wolf starts in a coffee shop with a boy crushing on a girl... sort of. Really, the story of the...