
Single-payer health care is the answer

President Obama sold single-payer health care short in his speech to Congress. It's actually the only sensible solution to our health care crisis...

The secret history of Boulder’s socialist book store

American young people (or those aged 18 to 29) have a more positive attitude toward socialism than to capitalism, according to a recent Pew poll. We are in the middle of “an era of tumult and protest” against global capitalism in the U.S. and abroad, argues ...

Renewable energy threatens big utilities

Solar power and other renewable energy technologies may destroy U.S. investor-owned utilities...

The silent jobless

Jobs are slowly coming back, but that’s small comfort to more than 13 million Americans who remain unemployed. For every current job opening, four people are still looking for a job. Many others have given up even trying to find work...

Health care, one more time

On the most important domestic issues of the day, our two political parties don’t merely lay out competing arguments; they inhabit alternative realities...

Boulder’s foxes in the henhouse

At the beginning of Boulder City Council’s Oct. 23 study session on ethics and financial reporting, council member Tim Plass asked the most valuable question of the night...

Amendments 60, 61 and 101 would be disastrous

Natalie Menten, the voice behind the uber-libertarian movement to pass Amendments 60 and 61, as well as Proposition 101, has accused the groups working to stop those measures of using overblown scare tactics and deception to win support...

The racial wounds of 9/11

On Sept. 11, I was a 28-year-old attorney working for the Department of Justice. I remember being evacuated from my federal office building that morning, and later heading across the 14th Street Bridge to my home in Arlington, Va. I could hardly believe the sight ...

Obama, like past leaders, a slow starter

Happy first anniversary, Barack Obama. Although happy is probably the wrong word...

The death penalty: Are we getting it right?

The idea of Georgia inmate Troy Davis lying on a gurney in an agonizing wait for nine justices hundreds of miles away to resolve in a single-sentence statement that he should in fact die — even if innocent — should be enough to give pause to the most ardent ...

Winds of change in the Middle East

On Feb. 11, 1979, Islamic revolutionaries took power in Tehran. On Sept. 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden and his al- Qaida terrorists launched their attacks on New York and Washington, killing nearly 3,000 Americans. On Feb. 11, 2011, Hosni Mubarak resigned as president of...

Walmart is still bad for the planet

In May, Walmart was hit with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides, fertilizer and other hazardous materials into public sewers and landfills. The Justice Department’s Environmental Crimes Section said that it was ...