
A fracking credibility gap

On Nov. 6, the city charter of Longmont banned fracking from its city limits...

Towns fight back against fracking

A growing boom in natural gas drilling near homes and schools prompted the city of Longmont to vote last July to bar new oil and gas permits in residential neighborhoods...

Potholes in the road to privatization

“There’s a reason that there’s been so much enthusiasm in the finance community for privatization deals. You are dealing with a less savvy partner ... The bigger sucker is always the government...

The next NAFTA, but worse

You can win some impressive victories against corporate power on the local level. Boulder voters declared that corporations aren’t people and money isn’t speech. Cities across Colorado (and other states) have passed fracking bans and moratoriums...

Stand up for Walmart workers

Courageous Walmart workers have been striking and committing civil disobedience around the country...

We need justice on foreclosure fraud

Investigative reporter David Dayen calls foreclosure fraud “the largest consumer fraud in the history of the United States.” He cites “multitudes of evidence about fake documents, forged documents, illegal foreclosures, foreclosures on military members while they ...

Inspiring ideas missing in Palin’s book

The whole phenomenon of Sarah Palin, I admit, is a mystery to me...

Stand up for your health

In Denver and Fort Collins, activists with Health Care for All Colorado (HCAC) have just hosted 48th birthday celebrations for Medicare, the highly successful program that has provided comprehensive low-cost health care for older people and the disabled since 1965. ...

Limit corporate welfare

Tea party politicians are denounced for their dangerous antics, but their doomsday warnings about profligate government spending are the conventional wisdom of the so-called “moderates” of big business, the mainstream media and too many politicians of both parties (...

Winds of change in the Middle East

On Feb. 11, 1979, Islamic revolutionaries took power in Tehran. On Sept. 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden and his al- Qaida terrorists launched their attacks on New York and Washington, killing nearly 3,000 Americans. On Feb. 11, 2011, Hosni Mubarak resigned as president of...

Arizona’s immigration law

The Obama administration is considering suing Arizona to block implementation of its harsh new immigration enforcement measure, SB 1070. The Justice Department doesn’t have much time — barring a judicial stay, the law goes into effect July 29 — and a decision, to sue...

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ should end now

On Tuesday, the Defense Department unveiled its...