
The silent jobless

Jobs are slowly coming back, but that’s small comfort to more than 13 million Americans who remain unemployed. For every current job opening, four people are still looking for a job. Many others have given up even trying to find work...

Towns fight back against fracking

A growing boom in natural gas drilling near homes and schools prompted the city of Longmont to vote last July to bar new oil and gas permits in residential neighborhoods...

Harry Potter explores life’s big questions

  Parents who take their children to see the Harry Potter films enjoy a fun family night. But unless they dig deeper into the stories, parents miss a great opportunity to explore life’s biggest issues with their children...

Close call in Chile

I am the luckiest traveler...

Bowl a strike for reproductive freedom

Everybody knows abortion became legal for all women with the ‘Roe v. Wade’ Supreme Court decision in 1973. Fewer people know that in 1976, poor women lost that fundamental right to determine whether or when to have children. That is the year that the Hyde Amendment (...

FCC breaks Obama’s promise on net neutrality

On Dec. 21, the FCC passed new rules — written by corporations — that will end net neutrality. For the first time in history, the U.S. government approved corporate censorship of the Internet, putting the future of online free speech at risk. Unbelievably, the person...

How to be smarter about SmartRegs


A fracking credibility gap

On Nov. 6, the city charter of Longmont banned fracking from its city limits...

The politics — and money — behind our energy blend

Renewable energy could power a large electric grid 99.9 percent of the time by 2030 at costs akin to today’s electricity expenses, according to a new study by the University of Delaware and Delaware Technical Community College...

The consequences of a wildlife comeback

Amidst the horrors of fracking and climate change, America has a mostly unnoticed environmental success story. In his fascinating new book Nature Wars: The Incredible Story of How Wildlife Comebacks Turned Backyards into Battlegrounds, Jim Sterba — veteran reporter ...

Domestic violence: A private matter?

Perhaps it’s time to retire the term “domestic violence.” It seems that some folks still believe it’s somehow different than regular, ordinary old violence...

The secret history of Boulder’s socialist book store

American young people (or those aged 18 to 29) have a more positive attitude toward socialism than to capitalism, according to a recent Pew poll. We are in the middle of “an era of tumult and protest” against global capitalism in the U.S. and abroad, argues ...